Let your Emails go Beyond sending

Step into a world where emails do more than just land in an inbox. With our platform, they engage, convert, and build lasting connections. Harness the power of cutting-edge tools, insightful analytics, and intuitive automation to ensure every message not only reaches its destination but also resonates deeply.

Segment you customer data:

Emails not only for opening


Craft compelling content, segment your audience for precision targeting, and schedule timely dispatches. Ensure every newsletter not only informs but also engages and inspires your readers.


Automating emails based on actions is more than just timely communication—it’s about seizing the moment. Automated emails ensure you’re always relevant, personal, and engaging.


Personalization transforms emails from generic to genuinely engaging. Embed dynamic elements like surveys for instant interaction and feedback. With tailored content and responsive tools, every email driving unmatched engagement.

Preferens management

Give your subscribers the freedom to tailor their experience, adjusting preferences at their convenience. With our GDPR-compliant tools, you respect data privacy, ensuring trust and transparency in every interaction.

Where precision meets performance.

In the realm of email marketing, precision is paramount. Embrace a strategy rooted in discernment and accuracy, ensuring every email you dispatch not only finds its intended recipient but also resonates profoundly. By being deliberate in your email strategy, you unlock numerous advantages:

Dive into the nuanced world of precision email marketing and pave the way for richer, more impactful interactions.

Enhanced Engagement

Design emails that cater to individual tastes and interests, deepening your bond with subscribers.

Improved Reputation

Sidestep the trap of being labeled as ‘spam’ by valuing your subscribers’ attention, thus uplifting your brand’s image.

Higher Conversion Rates

Personalized emails hit closer to home, leading to increased conversion rates and tangible results.


Channel your resources towards curated, high-value segments instead of a broad, undifferentiated approach.

Regulatory Compliance

With GDPR and other regulations in play, a rigorous email policy ensures you’re always on the right side of the law, safeguarding against potential penalties.

The secret sauce of stellar Email

In the vast culinary world of email marketing, achieving standout results requires more than just the basic ingredients. It demands a secret sauce, a unique blend of strategy and creativity that makes every email not just palatable but truly unforgettable. Enter our dedicated Customer Success Manager, your personal chef in this digital kitchen. Paired with a team of creative maestros, they work in tandem to understand your brand’s unique flavor and audience palate. Together, they craft emails that are not just messages but experiences, tailored to the tastes and preferences of each segment of your audience. But how do we do it?

Deep Dive Analysis

By understanding your brand, audience, and goals, our team crafts a bespoke email strategy that resonates.

Creative Brilliance

With access to top-tier creative resources, every email is designed to captivate, inform, and inspire.

Segmentation Mastery

By breaking down your audience into distinct segments, we ensure that every email hits the right note, maximizing engagement and conversion

Continuous Optimization

Leveraging real-time analytics, our team refines and tweaks campaigns, ensuring that your emails always stay ahead of the curve.

In the end, it’s not just about sending emails; it’s about creating culinary masterpieces that leave a lasting impression. With NG Dialogue, you’re equipped with the secret sauce to achieve stellar email results.

Our newsletters have come to life!

Customers of NG Dialogue experience a big difference in results and engagement when starting to send newsletters and emails from our platform. The key is design regarding brand guidelines, segmentation, and optimization. Sometimes 2-3X open and engagement rate as a result.

– Campushallen 

turning blah blah into aha!

Join the revolution together with industry leaders.


1h workshop analyzing your email, sms and feedback game!*

*limited numbers of slots available