Winning partnerships for Engage & Improve

Connectivity is key for crating world class customer journeys. To communicate at the right time with the right information. Together with partners, we dig deeper into succeeding together for our customers creating values to grow with.

Some types of partnerships
we offer

Solution partnerships

We partner up with ERP, CRM, Ecommerce, BI, DMS, and many more potential solutions that brings value together for our customers. Automating not only functionality about communication, but boosts our offer towards the market.

Gateway partnership

Looking for a reliable partner to act as a communication gateway for your service? Apps or systems, we offer a compliant, secure and safe partnership.


Want to offer one of the markets best solution for engagement and improvements? Use our robust platform to offer extended opportunities towards your customer, or work within our platform for your customers, managing their reach-out.

turning blah blah into aha!

Join the revolution together with industry leaders.


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